Ignacy Jan Paderewski - Wybitny Polak, Artysta, Patriota i Wielki Polityk        的名人肖像漫画     马切伊从华沙  



Stronnictwo powinno być jedno: Polska, i temu jednemu służyć będę do śmierci - mówił wybitny pianista w 1918 roku.


Uwielbiam muzykę,

ale jeszcze bardziej kocham

moją Ojczyznę".




Niewiele jest miast w Polsce, które podobnie jak Poznań, upamiętniłyby Ignacego Jana Paderewskiego - jednego z najwybitniejszych polskich muzyków, a jednocześnie wielkiego orędownika sprawy polskiej w latach I wojny światowej i szlachetnego człowieka. Rzeczywiście, artysta ze stolicą Wielkopolski związany był szczególnie, zwłaszcza w okresie odzyskiwania niepodległości, a i potem bywały okazje do kontaktu z mistrzem. Zatem: kim był?




Wuęcej  : Ignacy Jan Paderewski - Wybitny Polak, Artysta, Patriota i Wielki Polityk







"Nie zginie Polska" - Ignacy Jan Paderewski


(Paderewski)Chopin Polonaise, Op. 53


Ignacy Jan Paderewski – artist, pole, patriot


He quickly became one of the most famous pianists in Poland and Europe. Intelligent, witty, physically attractive and socially refined, Ignacy Jan Paderewski became an ornament of concert halls and salons, and an audience favorite. At the same time, he perfected his artistic craft in Berlin and in Vienna with Teodor Leszetycki and became friends with Camille Saint Saëns. In 1891 he began his triumphant artistic your of the United States, invited by the piano manufacturer, William Steinway, supported by world famous Polish actress, Helena Modrzejewska.

At the same time, the artist accumulated a large body of work as a composer. He was the author of the “Manru” opera, with a libretto based on the novel by Józef Ignacy KraszewskiChata za wsią” (1893-1901), a Piano Concerto (1882-1889), numerous songs and musical miniatures, the immensely popular Fantasie Polonaise (1891-1893). His Works, very Polish in their nature, also relating to Eastern Territory subjects, were not always understood by foreigners. Finally, after the unfavorable responses to the Symphony in h-minor (1903-1909, relating to the drama and heroism of the January Uprising), the artist decided to suspend his composing activity and focus on performing. He actively performed until the end of his life.

In 1899 he married Helena Górska and since that time divulged increasing amounts of time to social and political matters. Due to his great performing activity, characteristic attitude and immense popularity, he became a Polish patriot, but also a citizen of the world. He took residence in Switzerland, in the Riond Bosson estate near Morges, for some time even owned a ranch in the United States, and since the year 1897 also a manor in Kraśna Dolna near Tarnów.

The period preceding the First World War was for Paderewski a time of active promotion of Polish interests, international relations with the most important politicians associated with the future Triple Entente, mainly with the United States, England and France. He was received with deference by presidents and prime ministers alike. He could not achieve much for the sake of independence, but he reminded other countries of Poland and the harm done to its people by the country’s neighbors. In July 1910 the Grunwald Monument, funded by Ignacy Jan Paderewski, was formally unveiled in Kraków. From that moment on, the artist clearly defined his political standpoint, in addition to preparing a memorial for Polish interests, presented to the president of the United States, Thomas W. Wilson. In the year 1915 he also became involved in charity work as a member of the General Committee for Aid to the War Victims in Poland.

Karykatury i Portrety Macieja Szprocha


Caricatures & Portraits by Maciej Szproch